WiseUSA ’08 talkcast schedule

tn-WiseUSALibertyWelcome to the WiseUSA ‘O8 Talkcasts!

We’re excited to present to you a series of “Talkcasts” (via teleconference and/or audio webcast) featuring some of America’s leading socially-engaged spiritual teachers. Each Talkcast featured a subtle activism practice, such as a meditation or prayer to support collective healing and social change. Enjoy!

Emergence Program Schedule

gabriel100Wednesday, October 1, 5:30-6:30PM PDT/8.30-9:30PM EDT/12:30-1:30AM GMT

Gabriel Cousens M.D.
Gabriel Cousens M.D., director of the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center, Arizona, is an internationally renowned world peaceworker, holistic physician, spiritual teacher, and author of numerous books including Conscious Eating and Creating Peace by Being Peace. Dr Cousens will talk about the path of Sevenfold Peace, the Peace Every Day Initiative, and will guide us into a Universal Meditation for Peace. Click HERE for more information about Gabriel and his work and HERE to check out the Culture of Life online community.

lynnetwistFriday, October 3, 5:30-6:30PM PDT/8:30-9:30PM EDT/12:30-1:30AM GMT
Lynne Twist
Lynne Twist — a global activist, fundraiser, speaker, consultant, and author — has dedicated her life to global initiatives that serve the best instincts in all of us. She has raised hundreds of millions of dollars and trained thousands of fundraisers to be more effective in their work. Lynne Twist and her husband are co-founders of The Pachamama Alliance, an organization with the two-fold mission of: Preserving the Earth’s tropical rainforests by empowering the indigenous people who are its natural custodians; and contributing to the creation of a new global vision of equity and sustainability for all. Click HERE for more information about Lynne’s work with the Pachamama Alliance.

sharonmcerlaneMonday, October 6, 5:30-6:30PM PDT/8:30-9:30PMEDT/12:30-1:30AM GMT

Sharon McErlane – The Grandmothers Speak
The Great Council of the Grandmothers appeared to Sharon McErlane one morning as she walked her dog on the beach. “We have come to empower women so that each one can begin to bring the great imbalance on earth into balance,” they said. As a result of her life-changing experience with these loving beings, Sharon wrote “A Call to Power: The Grandmothers Speak.” The book reveals the Grandmothers message, including the ceremony of Empowerment and Casting the Net of Light. It invites all people to take part in the sacred evolution of our planet. To learn more about Sharon and her work, click HERE.

marianne100Wednesday, October 8, 4-5PM PDT/7-8PMEDT/11pm-12 MIDNIGHT GMT
Marianne Williamson
Marianne Williamson is an internationally acclaimed author and lecturer. She has published ten books, five of which have been New York Times Bestsellers. Her bookHealing the Soul of America was a groundbreaking call for Americans to apply their spiritual principles to the healing of the larger world. She is currently chairwoman of the Peace Alliance, a non-partisan citizen action organization whose focus is a campaign to establish a cabinet-level Department of Peace. Marianne will talk about her work with the Department of Peace, and will guide us in a Prayer for America. Click HERE for more information about Marianne and her work.

corinneFriday, October 10, 11AM-12NOON PDT/2-3PMEDT/6-7PM GMT
Corinne McLaughlin
Corinne McLaughlin is the co-author (with her husband Gordon Davidson) of Spiritual Politics (Foreword by the Dalai Lama), and Builders of the Dawn. Corinne and Gordon are co-founders of The Center for Visionary Leadership, and co-founders of Sirius, a spiritual community in Massachusetts. Corinne coordinated a national task force for President Clinton’s Council on Sustainable Development. Corinne is a Fellow of The World Business Academy and The Findhorn Foundation, and has lectured around the U.S. and Europe for over 25 years. For more information about Corinne and her work, click HERE.

alfredosfeir-younisTuesday, October 14, 4:30-5:30PM PDT/7:30-8:30PM EDT/11:30PM-12:30AM GMT
Alfredo Sfeir-Younis
Alfredo Sfeir-Younis is President and Founder of the Zambuling Institute for Human Transformation, which aims to create a grassroots world forum on human rights and human responsibilities and mainstream spirituality in public policy and business. For over 29 years, Alfredo worked in high-level executive positions for the World Bank and was their principal spokesperson on the subject of human rights at the UN, WTO and other international forums. Alfredo has been recognized as a World Healer and a spiritual authority by many great masters from different spiritual traditions. He represents a very rare blend of worldly knowledge and spiritual wisdom. Click HERE for more information about Alfredo and his work.

twymanWednesday, October 15, 5:30-6:30PMPDT/8.30-9:30PM EDT/12:30-1:30AM GMT
James Twyman
James Twyman is an internationally renowned, best-selling author, filmmaker and musician who has a reputation for traveling to some of the world’s greatest areas of conflict, sharing his message of peace. He has been called “The Peace Troubadour” and has performed his peace concert in countries like Iraq, Northern Ireland, South Africa, Bosnia and Serbia, drawing millions of people together in prayer to influence events of world crisis.James has written ten books including Emissary of Light, Emissary of Love, and the upcoming Hay House release of The Moses Code. James is also the president of The Beloved Community, an inter-religious organization that has ordained over 400 ministers of peace around the world, and the founder of The Seminary of Spiritual Peacemaking. For more information about James and his work, click HERE.

maxsimonThursday, October 16, 5:30-6:30PM PDT/ 8:30-9:30PM EDT/12:30-1:30AM GMT
Max Simon
Max Simon is the Founder and “Chief Enlightenment Officer” of The selfcentered Tour, a new-school meditation movement with a vision to teach one million people selfcentered meditation by 2010. A signature selfcentered experience is a “PDM” (Public Display of Meditation) where a large group gathers in the heart of a city to simply…be. Max will talk with us about PDMs, his vision for the selfcentered Tour, and he will guide us in a selfcentered meditation tailored for collective healing. Click HERE for more information about Max and The selfcentered Tour.

jamesodeaTuesday, October 21, 5:30-6:30PM PDT/8:30-9:30PM EDT/12:30-1:30AM GMT
James O’Dea
James O’Dea is a Fellow of the Institute of Noetic Sciences and was until recently its President. James is a member of the World Wisdom Council. This council is a coalescing of Religious and Spiritual Leaders, Political Leaders, Non-Profit Organizations and Civil Society banding together to formulate a structure and support system that furthers the realization that we are one family of humankind. He lectures all over the world, and has essays published in numerous magazines and books including currently the Mystery of 2012 (Sounds True) and Consciousness and Healing: An Integral Approach to Mind Body Medicine (Elsevier) and Earthrise: The dawning of a New Civilization in the 21st Century ( Goi)

josephgioveThursday, October 23, 5:30-6:30PM PDT/8:30-9:30PM EDT/12:30-1:30AM GMT
Joseph Giove and Common Passion
Join Joseph Giove, the Executive Director and Founder of Common Passion.org and core member of the Gaiafield Wisdom Council, as he hosts a lively and interactive conversation with our special guests—You! Throughout this talkcast series we’ve featured the world’s best known leaders in subtle activism. But no series would be complete without hearing from you, the pioneers who are influencing our collective awareness on a daily basis. During this talkcast Joseph will facilitate as we co-create a subtle activism practice.

Joseph Giove is a technologist, biomedical engineer and clinical hypnotist whose passion is the practical application of consciousness research at both individual and collective levels. He has created and orchestrated hundreds of global meditations through InfinityAffinity, which he founded in 1998 and as Executive Director and Founder of Common Passion. In May 2007, he spearheaded the “Breakthrough Celebration” event that brought together over half a million participants in global meditation and prayer. For more information about Joseph and his work, click HERE.

Intensive Program Schedule

revobrian100Saturday, October 25, 10AM-12 NOON PDT/1-3PMEDT/5-6PM GMT
Reverend Ellen Grace O’Brian and the Center for Spiritual Enlightenment Sit-a-thon
Rev. Ellen Grace O’Brian is the Founding Minister and Spiritual Director of the Center for Spiritual Enlightenment (CSE) in San Jose, California, an interfaith ministry in the tradition of Kriya Yoga now in its 27th year of service. She is the author of several books on meditation and spiritual practice including Living the Eternal Way: Spiritual Meaning and Practice in Daily Life. She is a frequent speaker at conferences and retreats on the importance of ethical and spiritual awakening to contribute to world peace. Click HERE for more information about Rev O’Brian and her work.

howardmartinSunday, October 26, 5.30-6.30PM PDT/8.30-9.30PM EDT/12:30-1:30AM GMT
Howard Martin, Executive Vice-President Heartmath LLC
Join Howard Martin for a discussion of Heartmath’s fascinating programs for heart-based living. We will especially focus on Heartmath’s Global Coherence Initiative whose aim is to nurture and sustain our planet through global coherence by enabling millions of people to connect with the power, wisdom and guidance of their own hearts. For more information about Howard Martin and Heartmath, click HERE.

swamiMonday, October 27, 5.30-6.30PM PDT/8.30-9.30PM EDT/12:30-1:30AM GMT
Swami Beyondananda
Changing the world doesn’t have to be serious!! Join Swami Beyondananda, a.k.a Steve Bhaerman, for an entertaining hour of political satire laced with spiritual wisdom. Swami’s comedy has been called “irreverently uplifting” and has been described both as “comedy disguised as wisdom” and “wisdom disguised as comedy.” For more information about Steve and his work, click HERE.

lynda100Tuesday, October 28, 5:30-6:30 PDT/8:30-9:30EDT/12:30-1:30AM GMT
Lynda Terry
Lynda Terry, founder of Vessels of Peace, a spiritual development and service network for women. Vessels of Peace women are committed to deepening their connection with Divine Feminine Presence in order to help create lasting peace in our world. Lynda is a meditation teacher, a communications consultant for spiritual groups and initiatives, and author of The 11 Intentions: Invoking the Sacred Feminine as a Pathway to Inner Peace. Her special WiseUSA 08 meditation will guide us in honoring and calling forth the Feminine dimensions of wisdom and compassion, through the lens of two personifications of these qualities: Sophia and Kwan Yin. To learn more about Lynda and Vessels of Peace, click HERE.

sivababaWednesday, October 29, 11AM-12noon PDT/2-3PM EDT/6-7PM GMT
Dattatreya Siva Baba and the Gracelight transmission Dattatreya Siva Baba is a renowned spiritual master from the Tamil Siddha lineage of Southern India . He is recognized for his previous births as the great Indian saints Agastiya and Ramalingam, each of whom mastered the principles of light and transcendence, and whose teachings have been passed from teacher to student for thousands of years. Given the current world circumstances, Dattatreya Siva Baba has taken the radical step of revealing these ancient teachings in the West in order to prepare humanity to receive the Grace Light and steward a profound global evolution. To learn more about Dattatreya Siva Baba and the Grace Light Meditation, click HERE.
Thursday, October 30, 5.30-6.30PM PDT/8.30-9.30PMEDT/12:30-1:30PM GMT
Arthur Collins, Global Oneness Community, Forgiveness Meditation
Arthur Collins of the World Oneness Center is a MEd Masters in Counseling Psychology, Certified NLP Trainer, Usui and Karuna Reiki Master Teacher. Arthur has been working in human services for 25 years, and has helped coordinate many global meditations and prayers for world peace, personal harmony and global well-being. Arthur presented the Forgiveness Prayer at the 2007 Global Symposium with the World Movement For Global Democracy. Arthur will share with us the power of forgiveness to help create wisdom, compassion and harmony and guide us on a very powerful soul-level and ancestral healing prayer.

elizabethtobinFriday, October 31, 5:30-6:30 PDT/8:30-9:30EDT/12:30-1:30AM GMT
Elizabeth Tobin
Elizabeth Tobin is a visionary who is concerned with the practical application of consciousness-based technologies to improve people’s day-to-day lives. She is a pioneer in using the breakthrough process of proxy groups to facilitate individual and collective healing. In keeping with her calling to develop and apply new systems for creating positive social change, Elizabeth has facilitated hundreds of global repatternings using proxy groups and the Resonance Repatterning® process. Elizabeth is also a founding board member of CommonPassion.org. For more information about Elizabeth ’s work click HERE.

wppsSaturday, November 1, 11AM-12NOON PDT/2-3PMEDT/6-7PM GMT
World Peace Prayer Society – WiseUSA Global Link Teleconference
Dial in Number 877 380-7755, Pass Code: 4434733
Send Blessings and Prayers to each of the 50 US States and to the Native American Ancestors of the Land. Hold sacred space for the USA as we approach the elections. With special guest David Nicol, Director and co-founder of the Gaiafield Center for Subtle Activism at the California Institute of Integral Studies. Leading us in Prayers for the Indigenous Peoples of the USA, Grandmother Silver Star, Cherokee Lakota Nation from the Heart of the Dove. Hosted by Fumi Johns Sewart, Executive Director of The World Peace Prayer Society.Live from the World Peace Sanctuary in Amenia, New York. In collaboration with the ALLOne Now.

Gaiafieldtitle100Sunday, November 2, 1:30-3PM PST/4.30-6PMEST/9:30-11PM GMT
Global Ceremony
The Global Ceremony is the peak event of the WiseUSA ‘O8 program. Join people around the world in meditation, prayers, and celebration during this two-hour ceremony. Gatherings in Washington D.C., San Jose, and other major cities will be linked by videoconference, and the ceremony will be broadcast via live audio to a global online audience. For more details about the Global Ceremony, click HERE.

davidspanglerMonday, November 3, 5:30-6.30PM PST/8:30-9:30PM EST/1:30-2:30AM GMT
David Spangler
David Spangler is an internationally known spiritual teacher and writer. In 1970, he was invited by the founders of Findhorn Foundation community in northern Scotland, Peter and Eileen Caddy and Dorothy Maclean, to become a co-director to help lead and develop the community. He occupied this position until he returned to the United States in 1973. Since then David has traveled widely within the United States and Canada giving classes, workshops and lectures. His themes have included the emergence of a holistic culture, the nature of personal sacredness, our participation in a coevolving, co-creative universe, partnering, and working with spiritual realms, our responsibility to the earth and to each other, the spiritual nature and power of our individuality, and our calling to be of service at this crucial time of world history. Many of these themes come together in his primary work, which is the development of a spiritual perspective and practice called Incarnational Spirituality. To learn more about David’s work, click HERE.

handsglobe100Tuesday, November 4, 6-7AM PST/9-10AMEST/2-3PM GMT
Gaiafield Wisdom Council

Join the members of the Gaiafield Wisdom Council for a special election day practice of subtle activism. We will tune into the heart and soul of America and listen to her for wisdom and guidance. To learn more about the members of the Gaiafield Wisdom Council and their work, click HERE.

josephgioveWednesday, November 5, 5:30-6:30PM PDT/8:30-9:30PM EDT/1:30-2:30GMT Joseph Giove and Elizabeth Tobin
Regardless of this election’s outcome, your role in supporting wise and compassionate leadership doesn’t end with the close of the polls on November 4th. Join CommonPassion facilitators Joseph Giove and Elizabeth Tobin as they guide integrative processes to inspire and call forth our collective wisdom and leadership. As we race headlong into a global awakening of unprecedented proportions, let us take the next steps in achieving higher levels of our own personal and collective greatness. For more information about CommonPassion.org click HERE.

handsglobe100Thursday, November 6, 5:30-6:30PMPDT/8:30-9:30PM EDT/1:30-2:30GMT
Gaiafield Wisdom Council
Join the members of the Gaiafield Wisdom Council for a final Talkcast to bring closure to the WiseUSA ‘O8 Intensive Program. The Council will summarize what has happened throughout the Program, reflect on the deeper meaning of the election results, and guide a final practice of collective meditation. To learn more about the members of the Gaiafield Wisdom Council and their work, click HERE.